How to Create PDF Documents

Pure data is for computers and nerds like you and me. Anyone else likes nicely formatted reports. Go and a good PDF package can help.

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The above video is available on the Applied Go channel on YouTube.
This article examines the code used in the video.

Numbers have an important story to tell. They rely on you to give them a clear and convincing voice.

(Stephen Few)

In the last article we exported orders from a spreadsheet and turned them into a report that we saved as CSV data.

Now our boss requests this data as a shiny PDF report on her desk. Let's do that, no problem! But wait, the standard library has no PDF package, right? Luckily, after a short search, we find a package called gofpdf on GitHub.

After go getting the package, we can start coding right away.

Imports and globals

package main

import (


The top-level flow

As a first step, let's sketch out the top-level flow within function main().

This flow is quite simple as it consists of only a few linear steps.

func main() {

First, we load the CSV data.

	data := loadCSV(path())

Then we create a new PDF document and write the title and the current date.

	pdf := newReport()

After that, we create the table header and fill the table.

	pdf = header(pdf, data[0])
	pdf = table(pdf, data[1:])

And we should take the opportunity and beef up our report with a nice logo.

	pdf = image(pdf)

	if pdf.Err() {
		log.Fatalf("Failed creating PDF report: %s\n", pdf.Error())

And finally, we write out our finished record to a file.

	err := savePDF(pdf)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Cannot save PDF: %s|n", err)

Side Note: gofpdf Error Handling

A somewhat unusual feature of gofpdf is that it does not return errors in the usual way. Instead, if one of the methods of the Fpdf object triggers any error, the Fpdf object stores this error and lets all subsequent method calls “fall through”.

The error can then be verified by calling Fpdf’s Err() method, and printed by calling its Error() method.

if pdf.Err() {
    log.Fatalf("Cannot create PDF: %s\n", pdf.Error())

We make use of this error mechanism in main(), after all PDF processing is done.

Loading the CSV data

Loading a CSV file is no problem for us, we had this last time when dealing with CSV data. We can reuse the loadCSV() function unchanged.

func loadCSV(path string) [][]string {
	f, err := os.Open(path)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Cannot open '%s': %s\n", path, err.Error())
	defer f.Close()
	r := csv.NewReader(f)
	rows, err := r.ReadAll()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("Cannot read CSV data:", err.Error())
	return rows

We use a small helper function named path() to fetch the path from os.Args.

If no path is passed via the command line, the slice os.Args contains only one entry – the name of the executable. In this case, path() shall return a suitable default value.

func path() string {
	if len(os.Args) < 2 {
		return "ordersReport.csv"
	return os.Args[1]

The Initial PDF document

Next, we create a new PDF document.

func newReport() *gofpdf.Fpdf {

The package provides a function named New() to create a PDF document with

  • landscape (“L”) or portrait (“P”) orientation,
  • the unit used for expressing lengths and sizes (“mm”),
  • the paper format (“Letter”), and
  • the path to a font directory.

All of these can remain empty, in which case New() provides suitable defaults.

Function New() returns an object of type *gofpdf.Fpdf that provides a number of methods for filling the document.

	pdf := gofpdf.New("L", "mm", "Letter", "")

We start by adding a new page to the document.


Now we set the font to “Times”, the style to “bold”, and the size to 28 points.

	pdf.SetFont("Times", "B", 28)

Then we write a text cell of length 40 and height 10. There are no starting coordinates used here; instead, the Cell() method moves the current position to the end of the cell so that the next call to Cell() continues after the previous cell.

	pdf.Cell(40, 10, "Daily Report")

The Ln() function moves the current position to a new line, with an optional line height parameter.


	pdf.SetFont("Times", "", 20)
	pdf.Cell(40, 10, time.Now().Format("Mon Jan 2, 2006"))

	return pdf

How Cell() and Ln() advance the output position

As mentioned in the comments, the Cell() method takes no coordinates. Instead, the PDF document maintains the current output position internally, and advances it to the right by the length of the cell being written.

Method Ln() moves the output position back to the left border and down by the provided value. (Passing -1 uses the height of the recently written cell.)

The Table Header: Formatted Cells

Having created the initial document, we can now create the table header. This time, we generate a formatted cell with a light grey as the background color.

func header(pdf *gofpdf.Fpdf, hdr []string) *gofpdf.Fpdf {
	pdf.SetFont("Times", "B", 16)
	pdf.SetFillColor(240, 240, 240)
	for _, str := range hdr {

The CellFormat() method takes a couple of parameters to format the cell. We make use of this to create a visible border around the cell, and to enable the background fill.

		pdf.CellFormat(40, 7, str, "1", 0, "", true, 0, "")

Passing -1 to Ln() uses the height of the last printed cell as the line height.

	return pdf

The Table Body

In the same fashion, we can create the table body.

func table(pdf *gofpdf.Fpdf, tbl [][]string) *gofpdf.Fpdf {

Reset font and fill color.

	pdf.SetFont("Times", "", 16)
	pdf.SetFillColor(255, 255, 255)

Every column gets aligned according to its contents.

	align := []string{"L", "C", "L", "R", "R", "R"}
	for _, line := range tbl {
		for i, str := range line {

Again, we need the CellFormat() method to create a visible border around the cell. We also use the alignStr parameter here to print the cell content either left-aligned or right-aligned.

			pdf.CellFormat(40, 7, str, "1", 0, align[i], false, 0, "")
	return pdf

The Image

Next, let's not forget to impress our boss by adding a fancy image.

func image(pdf *gofpdf.Fpdf) *gofpdf.Fpdf {

The ImageOptions method takes a file path, x, y, width, and height parameters, and an ImageOptions struct to specify a couple of options.

	pdf.ImageOptions("stats.png", 225, 10, 25, 25, false, gofpdf.ImageOptions{ImageType: "PNG", ReadDpi: true}, 0, "")
	return pdf

Saving The Document

Finally, the convenience method OutputFileAndClose() lets us save the finished document.

func savePDF(pdf *gofpdf.Fpdf) error {
	return pdf.OutputFileAndClose("report.pdf")

How to get and run the code

Step 1: go get the code. Note the -d flag that prevents auto-installing the binary into $GOPATH/bin.

go get -d

Step 2: cd to the source code directory.

cd $GOPATH/src/

Step 3. Run the binary.

go run pdf.go

Then you should find a file named “report.pdf” in the same directory. The document should look like this:

The finished report

Try pimping up the report a bit! How about:

  • adjusting the column widths
  • ensuring the table always spans the printable width (and then change the orientation to portrait)
  • aligning the decimal points (hint: cheat a bit by using a fixed-width font)

If you want to look into a real-world scenario, read [this blog post] ( from the Gopher Academy Advent series 2017.

And don't go overboard with the formatting. Less is more.

Happy coding!

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