Deliver my data, Mr. Json!

JSON is the lingua franca of exchanging data over the net and between applications written in different programming languages. In this article, we create a tiny JSON client/server app in Go.

(Apologies for the sound quality. I noticed too late that the mic was overmodulated.)

This is the transcript of the video.

What is JSON?

JSON is a standard data format for exchanging data over the net and between applications. It became popular as a more readable alternative to XML, with the added benefit that Javascript code can read and write JSON data out of the box. Still, almost any other popular programming language has at least one library for handling JSON data.

JSON is a human-readable text format, which makes it suitable for configuration files as well.

So how does JSON data look like?

The syntax of JSON is almost like you would create a JavaScript object. This, by the way, is also where the name “JSON” comes from: It is an acronym for “Javascript Standard Object Notation”.

In its base form, JSON data is a list of name-value entities. As an example, let’s create some weather information in JSON.

	"location": "Zzyzx",
	"weather": "sunny"

Here we have two entries, location and weather. Both are strings. Note that the names must be enclosed in double quotes. This is not a requirement for Javascript, only for JSON.

JSON knows some other data types besides strings: numbers, booleans, a null value, arrays, and objects. Let’s add some of these to our weather data: A numeric temperature, a boolean to tell whether the temperature is measured in celsius or fahrenheit, an array with the temperature forecast for the next three days, and an object that holds wind direction and wind speed.

	"location": "Zzyzx",
	"weather": "sunny",
	"temperature": 30,
	"celsius": true,
	"temp_forecast": [ 27, 25, 28 ],
	"wind": {
		"direction": "NW",
		"speed": 15

What is not in JSON?

Some data types or special values cannot be expressed in JSON. Most notably, there is no date type. Any date value is converted to and from an ISO-8601 date string. Also, Javascript’s special values NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity are simply turned into a null value.

JSON and Go

Go’s standard library includes the package encoding/json that makes working with JSON a snap. With this package, we can map JSON objects to Go struct types, and convert data between the two. Let’s examine this in code.

package main

import (

Defining the structure of our weather data in Go is straightforward. Note that the json package only encodes struct fields that are public (and hence start with an uppercase letter). The JSON fields are all lowercase, so we need to map the struct field names to the corresponding JSON field names. Luckily, Go structs come with a string tag feature. This way we can tag every struct field with the corresponding JSON field name.

type weatherData struct {
	LocationName string   `json: locationName`
	Weather      string   `json: weather`
	Temperature  int      `json: temperature`
	Celsius      bool     `json: celsius`
	TempForecast []int    `json: temp_forecast`
	Wind         windData `json: wind`

type windData struct {
	Direction string `json: direction`
	Speed     int    `json: speed`

Let’s implement a tiny server application. The client sends its location, and the server responds by sending weather data.

Location data is just a latitude and a longitude.

type loc struct {
	Lat float32 `json: lat`
	Lon float32 `json: lon`

For the server, we need a function for handling the request

func weatherHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

First, we need a location struct to receive the decoded data.

	location := loc{}

The location data is inside the request body which is an io.ReadCloser, but we need a byte slice for unmarshalling. ReadAll from ioutil just comes in handy. Note we use ReadAll here for simplicity. Be careful when using ReadAll in larger projects, as reading large files can consume a lot of memory.

	jsn, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Error reading the body", err)

Now we can decode the request data using the Unmarshal function.

	err = json.Unmarshal(jsn, &location)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Decoding error: ", err)

To see if the request was correctly received, let’s print it to the console.

	log.Printf("Received: %v\n", location)

Now it’s time to prepare our response by setting up a weatherData structure. We could try fetching the data from a weather service, but for the purpose of demonstrating JSON handling, let’s just use some mock-up data.

	weather := weatherData{
		LocationName: "Zzyzx",
		Weather:      "cloudy",
		Temperature:  31,
		Celsius:      true,
		TempForecast: []int{30, 32, 29},
		Wind: windData{
			Direction: "S",
			Speed:     20,

For encoding the Go struct as JSON, we use the Marshal function from encoding/json.

	weatherJson, err := json.Marshal(weather)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Error: %s", err)

We send a JSON response, so we need to set the Content-Type header accordingly.

	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

Sending the response is as easy as writing to the ResponseWriter object.



Thanks to Go’s http package, starting the server is a piece of cake.

func server() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", weatherHandler)
	http.ListenAndServe(":8088", nil)

Our mock client is almost as simple as the server.

func client() {

Again we create JSON by marshalling a struct; in this case a loc struct literal.

	locJson, err := json.Marshal(loc{Lat: 35.14326, Lon: -116.104})

Then we set up a new HTTP request for posting the JSON data to local port 8080.

	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://localhost:8088", bytes.NewBuffer(locJson))
	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

An HTTP client will send our HTTP request to the server and collect the response.

	client := &http.Client{}
	resp, err := client.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

Finally, we print the received response and close the response body.

	fmt.Println("Response: ", string(body))

The main function is as easy as it can get. We start the server in a goroutine and then run the client.

func main() {
	go server()

A note about func main(): Usually, properly designed code would check if the server is ready before running the client. In this simple test scenario, this unsynchronized execution appears to work; however, in general you should not rely on this.


Instead of typing the Go struct manually, have a script convert it for you. Just go to

and paste the JSON data into the textbox on the left, and the page then generates a Go struct on the fly. Yay!

Getting and installing the code

As always, use -d to prevent the binary from showing up in your path.

First, get the code:

with Go Modules:

git clone

or if you still use GOPATH:

go get -d

Then, simply cd into the code directory and run the code:

go run json.go

Final notes

Further reading

There are a couple more things about JSON than what fits into the 5-10 minutes format of a screencast.

If you want to learn more about JSON, like decoding JSON data of an unknown structure, or how to implement stream encoding or decoding, the article “JSON and Go” from the official Go blog is a great place to start:


I did not make up the name “Zzyzx” that I use in the weather data. This is an existing location. Use the lat/long data from the code to find out where it is.

Coincidentally, xkcd just recently published a cartoon that mentions Zzyzx. I swear I did not steal the name from there; I already had it in the draft before the cartoon came out! :-)


2017-04-05: Fixed json tag for field Lon (was: json lat)

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